George Rush
May 5 – Jul 22, 2022
The Contemporary Dayton is pleased to present a three-year project by George Rush that culminates in an installation of 204 paintings.
Rush, who has spent years painting the boundary between inside and outside, continues this exploration with paintings derived from cell phone photographs made during walks through his neighborhood, drives through Columbus, Ohio—the city in which he lives—and candid moments from work and home life.
Though each work starts with the now ubiquitous cell phone image, they are more than a treatise on technological reproduction, these works are a meditation on the visual rhythms of suburbia.
While this array of moments might potentially lend themselves to cacophony, they instead evenly and calmly illustrate the lay of our current psychological landscape. Collectively, they consider a span that begins before COVID-19, deepens during the height of the pandemic, and tapers off with the slow acclimation to our “new normal.”
Courtesy of the artist and Belle Isle Viewing Room, Detroit, MI
Education & Public Programs
Dr. Robert L. Brandt, Jr.
Hospitality Partner
Artist Talk
Thursday, May 5 @ 6:30 pm
In Gallery & Online
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